The Annex Project - Building Attachments training

Many professionals have had experience of very challenging behaviours that children can exhibit. The adult can, at times, be left confused by the behaviours and at a loss of how to best support the child. Our Building Attachments course will help make sense when things seem baffling, and sometimes scary.

This training brings to life what an attachment means in a creative way. We will explore the ‘secret world’ of attachment and why it has such an impact on our children. We will begin to understand why children react in the way they do.

- Why they seem to be fine in one classroom but not in another.
- Why they cope one day but not the next despite both days being exactly the same.
- Why children with trauma find whole school events (assembly/sports day etc.) very challenging.
- Why some children, seemingly out of nowhere, suddenly dysregulate.
- Why children can present differently at school compared to home.

We will look at how we manage as educators and consider ways of developing better relationships between ourselves and children we are supporting. We will begin to build a toolbox of skills to make things at school an easier place for children with trauma to succeed.

In the final stage will pull together and build on all the elements of this
course and practice a new way of responding to our children, using a Playful, Accepting, Curious and Empathic approach to connecting to children (P.A.C.E.)


Theory of attachment and trauma
How attachment and trauma manifests through behaviours
Brain development in a non-trauma Child and Children with complex histories, which include:
- Neuroscience of Pre-birth / Birth / Early years
- Look at the impact of early life trauma and strategies a child develops to cope with the world they have been born into
- Impact of the loss of a parent either through bereavement, divorce, entering the care system etc.
- Experiential exercises designed to help educators understand the affect of the above on a child
- Emotional developmental stages, and the impact of missing an emotional develop-mental stage

We explore; lack of trust, impact of domestic violence, shame, blame and how they present through behaviours

We will introduce a Keynote Speaker who has spoken internationally about early life trauma. He is able to put into words what the children represented in the group maybe thinking and feeling. We find his input invaluable and hugely affective with helping attendees to understand behaviours that are driven by trauma.

EXPECTED RESULTS: On completion of this training, it is expected that educators will have deep knowledge of attachment and trauma which they are able to use to support the children in their setting. Staff will be able to start to therapeutically connect to the young people in their care and support them to understand their feelings and emotions when in a heightened state, whether it be a positive or negative state.

Dates & times:

The course will need your commitment every week for the following Wednesdays 09:00-15:00:

Wednesday 4th October 2023
Wednesday 11th October 2023
Wednesday 18th October 2023
                Half term
Wednesday 1st November 2023
Wednesday 8th November 2023

The course will be in person, location will be confirmed once we have confirmed numbers however we have a maximum number of places. Due to the limited availability we will only be able to offer one place to each setting in the autumn term but we will be launching new dates for Spring/Summer 2024.

We are excited that a local therapeutic service is able to support our local schools however there support is far reaching and they have supported our Children in Care in other local authorities. If you are interested in finding out more regarding the 'Building Attachments' course please email: or if you would like to reserve your place please book your space here.

Whilst all of our training is free we would ask that if you are reserving your place that you commit to the training or unfortunately a cancellation fee will be applied.

Cancellation Fees
The cancellation fee below will apply to ALL delegates who cancel within 7 days of the event, or if you do not attend a booked event:
• £80.00 flat charge (per day/half day)
• course events of more than 1 day this charge will be multiplied per day or half day

The cancellation charge will apply irrespective of
• whether or not you were originally charged to attend the event
• whether the original place is cancelled and re-booked for a later event

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