Governing Body
There is a duty upon governing bodies to ensure that they designate a qualified teacher who has responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of the school’s Children in Care. This is the case whether or not the school has any Children in Care currently on roll. Statutory guidance for governing bodies includes the requirements that they receive an annual report from their Designated Teacher and thatthey ensure that the Designated Teacher has the necessary support and training in order to undertake their duties.
Useful Questions For School Governors and Designated Teachers:
- Do you know how many Children in Care are on roll?
- If a child comes into care (or a CIC arrives at school), do you ask the social worker to arrange a Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting?
- As a group, Children in Care perform academically compared to the rest of the school?
- Does the school’s Designated Teacher have sufficient time, training and support to successfully carry out their role?
- What catch up programmes are in place to support Children in Care?
- What procedures are in place to support and monitor the attendance of Children in Care?
- Do you have a specific policy for Children in Care?
- Are all staff and governors aware of the issues and possible support needs surrounding Children in Care?
- Does your admissions policy support the placement of Children in Care?
- What measures are taken to prevent the exclusion of Children in Care?