Keeping in mind that parents, carers and school staff can often be impacted by children’s mental health, we have provided some select resources that can help adults better support children, and also find the help that they themselves might need. 

  • Mentally Healthy Schools: a range of free coronavirus and mental health toolkits with useful resources and guidance to support school staff, parents and carers through the challenges they face as a result of the pandemic. This includes: 
    • Resources for managing anxiety and improving wellbeing 
    • Dealing with the effects of lockdown 
    • Resources for building resilience 
  • Barnardo's See, hear, respond hub: information for parents and carers to help with some of the challenges the pandemic has presented. 
  • Schools' Wellbeing Partnership: Mental health and wellbeing in primary schools -Preparing for Recovery: Self-review and Signposting Tool. 
  • Mentally Healthy Schools: tools to support an emotional check-in with pupils. 
  • Mentally Healthy Schools: an anxiety thermometer as a wellbeing measurement tool. 
  • Education Support Partnership: mental health and counselling support for school staff
  • Headspace: Headspace for Educators offers educators access to free mindfulness and meditation exercises and resources for every age group, and a free Headspace Meditation App. 
  • Young Minds:10 Wellbeing Tips for School Staff 
  • BBC's wellbeing resourcesfor families. 
  • MindEd:  advice and resources for families on supporting children's mental health. This includes the Education Hubfor education staff 
  • Samaritans: a national organisation for anyone in distress and in need of immediate support: 
  • Child mental health centre  - experts in all aspects of mental health to support your CPD and training needs. 
  • UNICEF - Understanding and supporting mental health in infancy and early childhood. A toolkit to support local action in the UK.
  • Neurodiversity Resources | Learn About Neurodiversity | Lexxic


Please also see the documents below signposting to both the Primary and Secondary Wokingham Mental Heath Support Team

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