Personal Education Plan Training
The Personal Education Plan (PEP) plays a vital part in raising attainment and aspirations for our Children and Young People. It is important that everybody understands their role in completing this process and the associated paperwork.
This training is for professionals involved in the PEP process for Children in Care and aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education planning for them in order to raise educational achievement.
“The key mechanism for addressing the needs of the child or young person and improving their attainment is the PEP”
DCSF (2009) Improving the Educational Attainment of Children in Care”
- To understand the legal framework surrounding the PEP
- To understand the importance of PEPs and where they fit with other planning
- To understand professional roles with the PEP
- To improve the quality of the PEP and the outcomes for children and young people.
Wokingham Virtual School currently uses eGOV Solutions Ltd to run our PEPs electronically. To access this, please contact us to be set up on the system and get your own personal login. We give online training to Designated Teachers, Social Workers, Foster Carers and other professionals who need to use this system to complete ePEPs.
If you are unable to attend the group training sessions we can arrange for 1:1 support. Please contact us for more information.
If you are interested in attending this training (dates are on our Key Dates for your Diary page) please contact our Education Coordinator by emailing :